English as a Second Language Classes

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Do you want to improve your English skills?
Join our free online English as a Second Language class for beginners

Our English as a Second Language program enables immigrants to develop the language and literacy skills they need to interact, engage and build opportunity for themselves and their families.   


  • Open to any adult with beginner level English (class size is limited)
  • 10 weeks of classes starting in mid-January 2021
  • Meet online every Tuesday & Thursday 6:30-8:00pm
  • Weekly tutoring after each class
  • Computer equipment and learning materials are provided
  • Good wifi access at home is required


For more information call (212) 222-3882
or email Willa, ESOL Coordinator This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Voulez-vous améliorer votre niveau en anglais?

Inscrivez-vous à un cours d’anglais langue étrangère pour débutants offert gratuitement en ligne

  • Ouvert aux adultes de niveau débutant (places limitées)
  • 10 semaines de cours à partir de mi-janvier 2021
  • Rendez-vous en ligne chaque mardi & jeudi 18h30 – 20h
  • Séances de tutorat hebdomadaires 
  • Equipment informatique et ressources didactiques fournies
  • Une bonne connexion wifi à la maison est obligatoire


Pour plus d’information, veuillez composer le (212) 222-3882,

ou envoyez un courriel à Willa, coordonnatrice pédagogique This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.