Given the many factors that make immigrants vulnerable to shifts in political climate and public sentiment, building a strong African advocacy voice in the U.S. is central to our mission. We work to enhance the leadership skills of immigrants and foster civic engagement through community education and organizing that builds an informed and active constituency.
At the center of our advocacy efforts, are our clients, many of them people living with HIV, who have had limited opportunity for civic participation. African Services is committed to increasing the involvement of immigrants living with HIV in the response to the AIDS crisis. We work across our programs to equip clients to be their own best advocates.
Together, we advocate at the city, state and federal level for increased resources, services and legislative protections for people living with HIV and AIDS. Internationally, we work to advance a human-rights based approach to HIV that ensures universal access to prevention, treatment and care for all people and protects the rights of people living with HIV/AIDS. To this end, our clients serve as vocal advocates representing the concerns of African PLWHAs in forums around the world.
African Services has been widely recognized for its unique contribution to AIDS advocacy. We have NGO consultative status to the United Nations and served on the Programme Coordinating Board of UNAIDS (2003-2005), as well as the Communities Board of the Global Fund for AIDS, TB and Malaria (2002-2004). Staff also serve on New York City and State committees and working groups, including the NYC Commission on AIDS and the NYC HIV PlanningCouncil, representing the perspectives and needs of immigrant communities.
To get involved in African Services' advocacy efforts contact Amanda Lugg at .