ASC in the News

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10.2.2019 - African Services Committee's Advocacy Director Amanda Lugg speaks with about Trump's cruel Public Charge rule: The Administration's Public Charge Rule is just "another attack on family-based immigration" to prevent family reunification. "That's what they are trying to stop, even though immigrants have the legal right to do so," says African Services Committee's Amanda Lugg. Click here for more. 

9.6.2019 -  “They aren’t going to get you for using benefits. They are going to get you for being poor, black, and brown,” says ASC Advocacy Director Amanda Lugg on the Administration's cruel Public Charge rule. Thanks to Peter White at the The Tennessee Tribune for this important story. Full Story.

 8.16.2019 - ASC's Advocacy Director talks with  The Guardian  about the Public Charge rule. When rumors that the Trump administration would block immigrants using public benefits from getting green cards began in late 2017, an HIV positive woman visited the African Services Committee in Harlem. Full story.

7.15.19African Union Mission's 'Invest in Africa' features African Services Committee also highlighting the African Union Permanent Representative to the United States of America Ambassador, Dr. Arikana Chihombori-Quao’s "Meet and Greet" event at our Harlem headquarters back in May. Thanks to the AU for spotlighting our work. Click here for the full story.

6.4.2019Equal Justice Works Fellow and African Services Committee attorney, Samah Sisay describes how her own immigration story inspired her to create a project to address the unmet legal needs of LGBTQ+ African and Caribbean immigrant women in NYC. Click here to read the full story.

4.26.2019ASC's Equal Justice Works Fellow, staff attorney Samah Mcgona Sisay was interviewed in studio with Voice of America's Ramon Taylor to discuss African asylum-seekers bearing the brunt of proposed travel barriers. Click here for the full text story and here for the television version.

8.8.2018 - ASC's Advocacy Director Amanda Lugg in Yahoo News illustrating the "life and death" impact of looming changes to Public Charge. “It’s not whether you can get a school lunch or not,” said Lugg. “The fear, the absolute real fear is coming from HIV positive immigrants. Everything we fought for about overturning the HIV ban — this is a back door to a reinstatement.” Click here for more. 

6.18.2018 - ASC Immigrant Community Law Center staff attorney featured in Univision, Primer Impacto with Nayeli Chavez- Geller about the consequences of the Attorney General’s Matter AB decision. Click here for more (Spanish). 


nytimes logo 6.12.2018 - “Honestly, that man is made of stone,”  says ASC’s Immigrant Community Law Center - ICLC client, Blanca, on Attorney General Jefferson Sessions following his attempt to close the door on asylum seekers like her. Thanks to The New York Times’ Liz Robbins for shedding light on this important story. Click here to read the full story. 


6.16.2018 - OpEd in by African Services Committee Advocacy Director and CTHE Manhattan Hub Lead Coordinator Amanda Lugg on newly proposed 'Public Charge' rule, which could be devastating to HIV-positive immigrants. Click here to read the story. 


6.14.2018 - ASC's Advocacy Director, Amanda Lugg, is quoted in New York Daily News on the consequences of Tuberculosis funding cuts. Click here for the full story. Click here to the watch ASC’s Advocacy Director, Amanda Lugg, speaking at the rally.


5.23.2018 - ”We want to keep working with long-term clients because we’re human and so are they," says African Services Committee's Supervising Attorney Corina Bogaciu speaking with Human Rights Watch on the New York City policy referred to as a "criminal carveout," which limits legal services for immigrants.  Click here for the full story. 

 3.13.2018 - NPR All Things Considered stopped by ASC to hear African Services staff opinions on the 2020 census. Click here for more. 

nytimes logo 1.7.2018 - The New York Times spoke with African Services Committee's Immigrant Community Law Center - ICLC attorney, Mauricio Noroña, about the disastrous effects of DACA renewal mail delays. Click here to read the story. 

 9.27.2017 - ASC's Immigrant Community Law Center - ICLC attorney, Mauricio Norona, is featured in HuffPost News on the influx of immigrants facing deportation. Thanks to Teresa Wiltz of The Pew Charitable Trusts Stateline. Click here to read the story. 

 9.18.2017 - ASC family, Billions and Baywatch movie star Ilfenesh Hadera Talks about African Services Committee in People Magazine's  American Voices Series. Click here to read the story. 

7.17.2017 - Thanks to Afropop Worldwide's Kitty Lindstrom for this great feature on ASC's Come to the Table benefit with master Senegalese Chef Pierre Thiam at James Cohan Gallery. Click here.  

12.1.2016 - Listen to ASC's Advocacy Director Amanda Lugg interviewed on PBS Radio WCNY Capitol Pressroom about World AIDS Day here.

11.18.2016 - Watch former Manhattan Borough President and head of National Black Leadership Commission on AIDS (NBLCA), C. Virginia Fields, speak with ASC's Case Manager and Policy Advocate, Bakary Tandia, about ASC's on-the-ground work improving the health and self-sufficiency of the immigrant community. Thanks to Manhattan Neighborhood Network - MNN's NBLCA's Health Action TV. Click here to watch the program.

11.15.2016 - ASC's Immigrant Community Law Center - ICLC attorney Jessica Greenberg speaks with BBC Word Service Africa radio about the future of immigration law following the U.S. presidential election. Click here to listen (story runs near minute 14).

7.2016 - Voice of America's Adam Phillips spoke with African Services Committee about "Living with AIDS in NYC's African Diaspora" and the 21st International AIDS Conference in the following story, which was broadcast on the radio throughout Africa. Hear the full report here.

6.8.2016 - African Services Committee's Director of Advocacy, Amanda Lugg was featured in The Guardian about the impact of civil society exclusion from The UN High Level Meeting on Ending AIDS. Read the full story here.

5.26.2016 - AFRIKANSPOT reported on ASC receiving the "Member of the Year" award at The New York Immigration Coalition's 2016 Gala, May 24th at Capitale NY. Read the full story here.

5.25.2016 - CCTV - America's (Now CGTN) Karina Huber features ASC Founder and Co-Executive Director, Asfaha Hadera, in this Africa Day -inspired global television spot. Watch the video here.

5.23.2016 - AFRIKANSPOT previewed ASC’s "Member of the Year" award at The New York Immigration Coalition's 2016 Gala, May 24th at Capitale NY. Read the full story here

1.27.2016 - African Services Committee was in a recent Voice of America story covering an orientation for African hair braiders. Click here to listen to Voice of America's report of the event, featuring ASC staff attorney Jessica Greenberg.

1.26.2016 - African Services Committee's Policy Advocate Bakary Tandia was featured in the VOA story: “Black Community Seeks the Power of the Ballot.” Click here to read the story.

April 2015  - “American Hustle: How elite youth basketball exploits African athletes” by Alexandra Starr appeared in Harper’s Magazine April edition. Click here to read the full story. The article detailed African Services’ work to help secure a bright future for the a basketball trafficking victim.

3.17.2015  Listen to NPR's Alexandra Starr talk about her recent story about ASC client Alley Ene: “Trafficked to Play, Then Forgotten” on The Brian Lehrer Show here. Starr’s WNYC report reveals how the demand for college basketball talent has led to human trafficking in countries like Nigeria. The story was also heard on NPR All Things Considered.

  10.17.2014 - ASC’s Ebola-screening efforts featured in CRAINS New York. Click here to read more.

 10.27.2014 - ASC supervising attorney Kate Webster discusses the U.S. immigration system and the challenges survivors of female genital mutilation face in gaining asylum. Click here to read the story.  

10.3.2014 - ASC staff attorney Olubunmi Segun interviewed by VOA on immigrant advocacy training. Click here to read more.

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9.1.2014 - NYT features African Services Committee in on African immigrants shifting national and New York demographics. Click here to read the full story.



 5.29.2014 - Al Jazeera America visits ASC’s testing and treatment center to investigate a story on tuberculosis. Click here to read the story.

4.10.2014 - Voice of America speaks with ASC Case Manager and Policy Advocate, Bakary Tandia at the New Yorkers for Real Immigration Reform rally. Click here to see the video. 

2.19.14 - Voice of America speaks with Founder, Asfaha Hadera, and other staff about our work here in Harlem and abroad in Ethiopia. Click here to view the video and read the article.

10.17.13 - Staff attorney, Claire Thomas, speaks with Adam Phillips about our clients and the effects of the recently 'resolved' debt ceiling crisis and government shutdown. Click here to read the article.

  9.22.13 - Although most residents speak a language other than English at home, neighborhood organizations have been forced to cut back on English classes. Annie Wu interviews Stephanie Kaplan, and ESL coordinator, Amy Kaiman about ASC's ESL program and the cutbacks that the agency has been experiencing. Click here to read more.

 7.22.13 - Communications Director, Stephanie Kaplan, speaks with Zeno Radio and Immigration Nation,  about the history of African Services, and our work in New York City and Ethiopia. Click here to hear the interview.

brand wabc 5.28.13 - ABC 7, Here and Now - ABC 7's Sandra Bookman talks to ASC Staff Attorney, Olubunmi Segun, and Policy Advocate, Bakary Tandia about the impending immigration reform legislation. Click here to view the video.

logo5.23.13 - Home Still Far Away for Immigrants with HIV - We News - Few female immigrants have enjoyed the benefit of the travel ban on people with HIV lifted three years ago Financial hardships, fear of stigma in their homelands and uncertainties about their U.S. legal status all block the way. Read more here.


5.16.13 - A Catch for Undocumented Immigrants in Recent Reforms - The Atlantic - Years of hiding mean squeaky-clean youths don't have the paper trail to prove they've been in the U.S.. Those with infractions on their records, bizarrely, are better off. Read more about how ASC is working with DACA clients to help them quality by clicking here.

nytimes logo3.22.13 - Young Immigrants, Seeking Deferred Action Help, Find Unexpected Path - NY Times - African Services has assisted hundreds in applying for Deferred Action, and this story highlights some of the extraordinary cases. Read more here.

1.21.13- 25 Most Influential Africans in America - The List - featuring our very own Founder and Co-Executive Director, Asfaha Hadera. Click here to read the article.

logo-wnyc12.12.12 - American Heaven, WNYC - Radio Rookie, Danielle, opens up about her experience immigrating here from the Congo, and about the unknown difficulties she faced upon arrival and how she has had to put on a 'strong front' to those back home. Listen to the full story below or click here.

7.27.12 - New Strategic Plan for ASC Ethiopia - The ASC Ethiopia Administration staff recently went on a day long retreat at the Ethiopia Hotel in Ambo to develop a Strategic Plan for 2013 – 2015 to help guide us for the next 3 years. Read more about the retreat here.

6.11.12 - Memorandum of Understanding Signed with Save the Children USA -- In early July, ASC Ethiopia signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Save the Children – USA. Under the terms of the MoU, Save the Children – USA will provide "Plumpy Nuts" to malnourished children clients of African Services Committee initially at the Shola Market Addis Ababa and Mekele Clinics. Read more about the new partnership in our June/July newsletter or click here.

NY-BS736 GARDNE G 201206251648336.25.12 - "The City's African Heart" -- The Wall Street Journal by Ralph Gardner (Urban Gardner) -- Ralph spends a morning at ASC chatting with Co-Executive Director Kim Nichols, and her brother, Greg, and staff about ASC, Lucky Dog Vodka and here.

For more news coverage of ASC, visit our Archives page.